Enuresis - Bedwetting
Nocturnal enuresis – bedwetting at night is more common. Daytime wetting is called diurnal enuresis.
Involuntary passage of urine up to the age of 5years is somewhat common. If it persists even after the age of 5years, then it can be enuresis.

- Repeated bed-wetting
- Wetting in the clothes
- Wetting at least twice a week for approximately three months
- A small bladder
- Persistent urinary tract infections
- Severe stress
- Developmental delays that interfere with toilet training
Modern Urological treatment
If the child’s self-esteem is affected, treatment is necessary.
- Behavior Therapy
- Alarms
- Bladder Training
- Rewards
- Oral Medication: Not recommended for children under 6years of age
- Desmopressin Acetate – to control the amount of urine
- Imipramine – an antidepressant
Ayurvedic Urological treatment
- Oral medication
- Basti
- Yoga & Pranayama
- Uttarbasti
BPH & Post TURP Status
Prostate gland enlarges & compresses the urethra
Bladder Outlet / Neck Obstruction
Blockage at the base or neck of the bladder
Interstitial Cystitis
Chronic condition causing bladder pressure with a persistent urge
Recurrent UTI & MDR UTI
A burning issue of the modern era
Hypotonic Bladder
A condition in which the bladder wall muscle tone reduces
Neurogenic bladder
Altered bladder function due to defects in the pathway of the micturition reflex
Inability to hold urine due to loss of voluntary control over the urinary sphincters
Enuresis – Bedwetting
Persistence of involuntary passage of urine even after the age of 5 years