UTTARBASTI - A Highly Specialized Ayurvedic Urological Procedure
- Can cure urethral stricture of any age group patient
- Non-invasive with minimal or no pain
- No need of anesthesia
- Urethral catheterization is not required
- Daycare treatment
- Proving to be a very promising treatment
Special Precautions
- Very rigid aseptic precautions
- Properly sterilized medicine

Language: English
Calibration of Urethra
- Calibration of the urethra is the procedure to restore the normal caliber of the urethra.
- For calibration, catheters are introduced into the urethra from a smaller size (10FG) to a bigger one (20FG) and it is to be done very gently.
- Calibration of the urethra is mainly done in the case of urethral stricture.
- It is done under local anesthesia using an anesthetic gel.
- Calibration is generally painless & bloodless as well.
- As a precautionary measure, an intensivist is kept standby during the whole procedure of calibration for apprehensive patients & patients with co-morbidities.
Very rarely in patients with a very tight stricture urethra is not negotiable even with a small size catheter. For such patients, we advise balloon dilatation of urethra.
Language: English
Advantages of Uttarbasti
- Non-invasive treatment with minimal or no pain
- No need of anesthesia
- Urethral catheterization is not required
- Daycare treatment
- No need of Hospitalization
- No need for rest
- The results of Uttarbasti are irrespective of site, size, and extent of the stricture
- Negligible recurrence
- Does not affect sexual life
Results of Uttarbasti
- Results of Uttarbasti treatment may vary from patient to patient.
- Results of Uttarbasti are assessed clinically and by comparison between pre and post-treatment investigations like Urethrogram and Uroflowmetry.
- Uroflowmetry is done before the commencement of the treatment & is repeated after calibration (generally on 14th day).
- Urethrogram is recommended after one month of the last sitting as sometimes the procedure or the dye used may irritate if done immediately after the treatment.
- The results of Uttarbasti are irrespective of site, size, and extent of stricture.
- Very rarely some patients may require additional sittings after some years.
- According to my experience in this field, Uttarbasti is proving to be a CURE for urethral stricture.
Language: Hindi
Language: English
Recurrence after Uttarbasti
Rarely, in some patients, the flow of urine gets compromised after some time (a few months to years) of the Uttarbasti treatment & they require additional sittings of Uttarbasti.
Patients with the following conditions may require additional sittings of Uttarbasti:
- Who have very hard stricture scar tissue
- Who underwent multiple surgeries
- After urethroplasty
- After multi-stage hypospadiasis repair
- Who were on regular clean intermittent self-catheterization since long
- Patients with BXO
Language: Hindi
Language: English
Precautions to be taken during & after the treatment of Uttarbasti
- Drink a lot of water to keep urine white – just like water
- The urge of urine should neither be ignored nor forced
- Avoid any kind of sexual activity during & at least for three months after Uttarbasti
- Avoid unnecessary catheterization or instrumentation in the urethra
BPH & Post TURP Status
Prostate gland enlarges & compresses the urethra
Bladder Outlet / Neck Obstruction
Blockage at the base or neck of the bladder
Interstitial Cystitis
Chronic condition causing bladder pressure with a persistent urge
Recurrent UTI & MDR UTI
A burning issue of the modern era
Hypotonic Bladder
A condition in which the bladder wall muscle tone reduces
Neurogenic bladder
Altered bladder function due to defects in the pathway of the micturition reflex
Inability to hold urine due to loss of voluntary control over the urinary sphincters
Enuresis – Bedwetting
Persistence of involuntary passage of urine even after the age of 5 years